Lola (Amazing)

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Lola (Amazing)

Berichtdoor StuartF » 18 Jul 2023, 02:30

I don't usually select a date without pictures, but the description said that she was an English student, with blonde hair..slim. All good. What they didn't say was that she is FANTASTIC! She is a young student, and very pretty! (she doesn't want pictures to avoid embarrassment in her private life) She has a slender body, and she knows how to use it! She has all the curves in all the right places. She quickly learned what I liked, and how to give it to me, and she REALLY wanted to please!
It was just a brief visit, but all indications are good. She is young, but she's a woman, not a girl. Don't let her age fool you.....she is all woman, with an intent on pleasing.....she pleased me a few times!!
I will be back soon, and write more.
Berichten: 1
Geregistreerd: 18 Jul 2023, 02:02
Geslacht: Sex

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